We are dedicated to Earth Harmony!
Created and founded by Ana Maria Pinto, Novaterra, Associação Cultural Arte e Ambiente finds its inspiration in nature and in education through art, building bridges between distant worlds, which, once in contact, strengthen each other. Free, joyful and genuine self-expression combined with the feeling of love for Planet Earth are the foundations of all your projects.
Contemplated as a vehicle for expansion and self-knowledge, singing is the main work tool. The Novaterra includes 4 choirs, which come together in concert, continuously combining singing and movement: the Choir of Novaterra (music-theatrical group), the Makawee (female choir), the Kalindi (female youth choir) and the Messengers of Nature ( children's choir). The pieces and concepts of Novaterra's concerts are original and of indigenous, African, poetic, meditative and scientific inspiration.
In 2020, Novaterra launches two record works, "Blue Planet, Songs for Mother Earth" and the book / CD "Refuge, The Art of Protecting the Forest". In 2021, the Books / CD "Bestuário, Canções para a Infância" and "Cancioneiro dos Animais" will be launched.
Throughout the year large thematic concerts are organized, crossing the arts with scientific knowledge and the environment, cycles of workshops, courses, lectures, as well as the Hearth Festival - The Art that connects the Heart to the Earth in partnership with the Municipality of Gondomar. Novaterra also develops the great project Classic meets Africa, which fuses African dances with classical music.
"Nature is the only book that offers valuable content in all its leaves", words by Goethe that justify and perfectly represent our desire to discover and create hand in hand with Nature
.Social Entities
President: Ana Maria Pinto
Vice President: José Armando Pinto
Treasurer: Rute Santos
General Meeting
President: Graças Gama
Vice-President: Cláudia Araújo
Secretary: Hugo Miguel Fraga
Fiscal Council
President: Pedro Rocha
Secretary: Inês Villadelprat
Rapporteur: Sandra Ferreira
Article 1
The denomination, legal nature, applicable law.
The Association adopts the designation NOVATERRA, Associação Cultural Arte e Ambiente, hereinafter referred to as NACAA, constitutes a specific purpose association and is governed by the provisions of the Civil Code, these Statutes and an Internal Regulation.
The Association may open any delegations or representations in Portugal and abroad, under the terms of these Statutes.
Article 2
Character and duration
NACAA has a national character, is constituted on a non-profit basis, without any political or religious orientation and its duration is indefinite
.Article 3
NACAA has its headquarters in the Condominium of the Arts of Rio Tinto, at Rua Boavista 543, Rio Tinto, municipality of Gondomar.
Article 4
NACAA aims at Artistic Education - Music, Theater, Dance. Crossing of Arts and Sciences. Cymatics. Environmental education. Non-conventional therapies (TNC). Speech therapy. Energetic gymnastics (Yoga, Taijiquan, Qigong). Contemplative techniques. Social inclusion. Investigation. Interculturality.
NACAA intends to promote and implement activities aimed at innovation in terms of intervention strategies in society. This purpose will be achieved through the creation of new bridges between habitually distant areas:
a) arts and sciences;
b) artistic education and environmental education;
c) artistic education and unconventional therapies;
d) classical music and African dances.
Article 5
(Intervention strategies)
NACAA's intervention strategies are:
1. Cultural Activities:
a) Production and promotion of shows.
b) Promotion of innovative forms of cultural development.
c) Development of partnership projects, using local resources.
d) Carrying out cultural exchange actions at national and international level.
2. Educational activities:
a) Creation of artistic expression workshops, covering diverse cultural areas such as music, theater, visual arts, dance, cinema, audiovisual and multimedia, literature, photography and other forms of communication, as well as any manifestations that encourage personal fulfillment and creativity.
b) Development of interdisciplinarity through the intersection of artistic expression with the different areas of knowledge, with special emphasis on environmental education.
3. Therapeutic Activities:
a) Speech therapy.
b) Personal development workshops.
c) Non-conventional therapies (TNC).
d) Contemplative techniques.
Article 6
(Relations with other organizations)
NACAA may establish relations with any national and international organizations with them by agreeing on forms of cooperation consistent with its objectives.
Article 7
1 - The Association's revenues include, namely:
a) the product of the dues paid by the partners;
b) revenues from service initiatives provided and any other permitted by law;
c) any donations, subsidies, sponsorships, bequests or other revenues granted to it.
2 - The form of collection of revenues will be posted by the Board
.Article 8
(Application of Revenue)
The Association's revenues are destined to:
a) the payment of organization and operating expenses;
b) the realization of expenses necessary for the pursuit of the Association's purposes;
c) the acquisition of goods, services or rights;
d) the constitution of funds that may be created by proposal of the Board approved by the General Assembly;
Article 9
a) All individuals and groups of a public, private or cooperative nature, who identify with the principles and objectives of the Association and intend to contribute to the achievement of its purposes, may be members of the Association.
b) Members are required to pay a monthly fee to be fixed at the General Meeting.
Article 10
(Rights and obligations of members)
a) The rights and obligations of members, conditions for admission and exclusion, will be set out in an internal regulation, whose approval and amendment are the exclusive competence of the General Assembly.
b) The Regulation referred to in the previous number may establish the existence of several categories of members, and the category of Honorary Member may be attributed to natural or legal persons who, due to their merit and exceptional contribution to the achievement of the Association's goals, justify this distinction.
Article 11
1 - The Association bodies are:
a) the General Assembly;
b) the Board;
c) the Fiscal Council;
2 - The mandates of the members of Organs elective bodies of the association have a duration of three years.
Article 12
(General meeting)
1 - The General Assembly is made up of all members with voting rights and will be chaired by a Bureau, composed of a President, Vice-President and a Secretary.
2 - The President is responsible for calling the Assemblies and directing the respective work.
3 - The vice-president is responsible for all matters relating to the General Assembly, and also to replace the President in his absences and impediments,
4 - The secretary is responsible for writing the minutes of the work of the General Assembly.
Article 13
(Powers of the General Assembly)
The General Meeting has the competence to resolve on any matters included in the notice, under the terms of these Bylaws, namely:
a) elect the respective Bureau, as well as the Board, the Supervisory Board and the respective alternate;
b) fix the value of the contribution and other benefits as proposed by the Board;
c) discuss and approve annually the report, balance sheet and accounts presented by the Board, as well as the opinion of the Supervisory Board;
d) decide on the dismissal of any governing bodies or on the dismissal of any of its members, upon the proposal of the Board or any partner with mandatory indication of the violated duties;
f) to deliberate on the amendment of the Statutes, dissolution and extinction of the Association or on all matters not included in the legal or statutory attributions of the other organs of the Association, under the terms of the law;
g) approve the Association's budget for each calendar year;
h) approve the Current Activity Plan;
i) the authorization to sue the administrators for the facts practiced in the exercise of the position.
Article 14
(Ordinary and extraordinary meetings)
1 - The Ordinary General Meeting is held annually until the thirty-first of March, inclusive of each year, to analyze the report, balance sheet and accounts presented by the Board, as well as the respective opinion of the Supervisory Board.
2 - Extraordinary General Meetings may be held when convened by the Chairman of the Board of the General Meeting, upon request made to him by the Board, the Supervisory Board or, at least, by a fifth of the members.
Article 15
1 - The associates will be summoned to the General Assembly by means of a postal notice issued to each member at least 8 (eight) days in advance of the date set for the meeting.
2 - The summons must mention the date, the time, the place and the agenda, as well as a date, time and place for the holding of a second General Meeting, in case there is no quorum for the holding of the first.
Article 16
(Functioning of the General Meeting)
1 - For the valid holding of the General Assembly in a first call, the presence or representation of half of the members is necessary.
2 - The holding of the General Meeting on a second call will be made regardless of the number of members present or represented.
Article 17
(Quorum for votes)
1 - The resolutions of the General Assembly are taken by an absolute majority of the votes of the members present or represented with the following exceptions.
a) In the deliberations regarding amendments to the present Statutes, a favorable vote of three quarters of the number of members is always required.
b) In decisions regarding the dissolution of the Association, a favorable vote of three quarters of the total number of members of the association is always required.
Article 18
(From the Board)
The Board is composed of 1 president, 1 vice-president and a treasurer. The Board responsible for administrative and financial management as well as the representation of the Association, has the necessary powers for the day-to-day administration of the Association, namely to:
a) guide the activities of the Association, in the pursuit of its objectives and purposes;
b) execute the resolutions of the General Meeting;
c) submit annually to the General Assembly the proposal for the ordinary budget and the Activity Plan for the following year;
d) submitting annually to the General Meeting the activity report and the management account for the previous year;
e) to acquire, dispose of or exchange movable assets and securities.
f) opening and maintaining bank accounts and signing checks;
g) negotiate and contract, under the terms of the law and after approval by the General Meeting, any loans or financing for the pursuit of the Association's purpose and corporate purpose;
h) hire employees and collaborators;
i) enter into contracts for the acquisition of goods and services necessary for the pursuit of the Association's purposes;
j) to open delegations or representations of the association under the terms of article 1;
l) decide on the participation of the Association in any legal persons, provided that the interests of the Association so justify and the objectives of the Association are not jeopardized;
m) to appoint representatives of the Association in the bodies where justified;
n) comply with and enforce the provisions of the law, these Statutes and the Internal Regulations;
o) represent the Association in or out of court before all public or private entities;
p) request the convening of General Meetings;
q) to propose the alteration of the contributions of the associates with the limits to be established in the Internal Regulation.
r) resolve on any matters under the terms of the Articles of Association, the Internal Regulation and the applicable legal provisions.
Article 19
(Representation of the Association)
To oblige the Association in any acts or contracts, the signatures of 2 members of the board are necessary and sufficient.
Article 20
(Board Meetings and Resolutions)
1 - The Board meets every two months and whenever convened by its President.
2 - The Board of Directors may only deliberate in the presence of the majority of its members, with decisions being taken by a majority of the votes of the members present.
3 - The Board may decide to call other associates or employees of the Association to its meetings, whenever it deems convenient, without these, however, having the right to vote.
4 - For the purposes of the provisions of this article, members of the board are considered to be present at meetings if their participation is made through the use of video-conferencing.
Article 21
The General Assembly can dismiss any member of the Board of Directors with just cause:
a) if the member does not attend, unjustifiably, four or more Board meetings during the period of one year;
b) for reasons of serious violation of their duties.
Article 22
1 - Supervision will be exercised by a Supervisory Board, composed of 1 president, 1 secretary and 1 rapporteur.
2 - Joint meetings of the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors may be held whenever any of these bodies deems convenient.
Article 23
(Competence of the Fiscal Council)
The Supervisory Board is responsible for:
a) give an opinion on the report, balance sheet and accounts prepared annually by the Board, as well as on any other matters of a financial nature that are submitted to its consideration by the General Meeting or by the Board;
b) check the Association's bookkeeping and accounts whenever it sees fit and ask for information and request any clarifications it deems necessary from the Board;
c) ensure that the Association's activities are carried out in compliance with the law;
d) present an annual report on its inspection activity;
e) request the convening of General Meetings.
Article 24
(Extinction, dissolution and total liquidation)
1 - The dissolution and liquidation of the Association shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.
2 - The liquidation of the Association in the event of its dissolution will be the responsibility of a commission appointed for this purpose by the General Assembly