Partners / Patrons

Music production, which involves the continuous creation of new songs, new poems and new illustrations, new books and new recordings, is one of our main objectives. We aim to produce 2 record works per year under the Blue Method - Artistic and Environmental Education. In this way, we will be continually launching new challenges to the Messengers of Nature and the Choirs of Novaterra, as well as contributing to what we feel is a very beautiful and fruitful way of transmitting knowledge to children - Education through Art! All of our songs portray the wonders of nature, whether through songs with poetic inspiration, or didactic-pedagogical songs in which children can learn scientific content by singing!

It was possible to record the first album Planeta Azul, thanks to the success of the crowdfunding of 2019. The crowdfunding of Cancioneiro dos Animais in 2020 was the same success!

You can support our music production by ordering our books and CDs, contributing with a donation, thus becoming a patron of Novaterra, or becoming a partner of Novaterra! Our gratitude is immense!

To become a partner of Novaterra, Associação Cultural Arte e Ambiente, you must fill out a registration form and pay the monthly fee of € 2 (the transfer must have a minimum value of € 6 - quarterly fee) to the following IBAN:

IBAN PT50 0033 0000 45512970846 05 (Novaterra, Associação Cultural Arte e Ambiente - Millenium)

1.Novaterra, Associação Cultural Arte e Ambiente is a non-profit organization. It benefits from the support of the Municipality of Gondomar through the provision of space at the Rio Tinto Cultural Center and the annual fund to support associations.

2. By becoming a partner at Novaterra, you will be strengthening our structure, closely linked to the service of nature, its protection and artistic interpretation.

3. Novaterra partners can join our choral activity, as well as benefit from discounts at Novaterra workshops and events
